Appliance v1.5.0 February 15, 2017
Release notes
New features
- [api] New “/builds/restore” and “/builds/wipe” endpoints. bugs #271
- [api] New “/builds/removed” endpoint. bugs #271
- [api] Allow comma-separated list in “/builds/cancel” and “/builds/delete” endpoints. bugs #271
- [api] Return build id (builddate) from Admin API “/build” endpoint. bugs #342
- [api] Persistent storage is configurable. unscramble/jidoteki-admin-api #27
- [api/frontend] Builds can be bulk canceled, deleted, restored, wiped. bugs #304
- [api/frontend] Return more detailed error message with HTTP 4xx and 5xx responses. bugs #347
Bug fixes
- [api/frontend] Allow short API tokens. unscramble/jidoteki-admin-api #25
- [frontend] Change NFS storage wording in Admin UI. private #307
- [backend] Only allow “local” storage for the Jidometa appliance
- [backend] Refactor update script to avoid online updates for missing vcdiff files
- [backend] Update to OpenSSL 1.0.2k, OpenSSH 7.4p1, Nginx 1.10.3, Curl 7.52.1
- [backend] Update to Jidoteki Admin API 1.14.0